
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Outdoor Art, Part 2

 When I asked the girls what they wanted to do this year, "anything with art" was a typical answer.  I have Brownies and Juniors and one art badge for both levels was Outdoor Art, so that's what we started.  You can read about our first meeting here. 

This week we did two projects.  I counted them both toward requirement 5 for the Juniors--Design with nature, and for the Brownies, the wind chimes met requirement 3 and the luminaries, requirement 5.  The Juniors still have to do requirement 1, and one of my moms who is a photographer is going to be my artist expert at our next meeting, which will be Juniors only.  She's  going to cover outdoor art, talking about outdoor photography and she's going to cover cameras as part of Digital Photographer, which will be our next Junior badge.  

The girls had a ball with our projects tonight and I was really happy with the way they looked when we finished.  We got a little knot tying practice and, as one girl noted, what we did with buttons was a lot like sewing.


Each girl started with a stick and four pieces of dental floss, which she tied onto the stick, with most of it hanging down.  Each girl had a cup full of black buttons and white buttons (a donation, I have hundreds of them).  She poked the string into a button hole and then pushed the button where she wanted it on the string.  When it got there, she went down another hole in the button.  This held it in place when subjected to gravity, but allowed the buttons to be moved up and down the string if the girl desired.  As with art projects Arty Annie and Polly Perfectionist took quite some time while others did a minimum and were "done".  I encouraged them to try a couple of more.  Once they got the knack of the buttons, they enjoyed that part.  


My artist mom suggested the luminaries we did, and sent me the link.  They came out nice, and one of our Artsy Annies came up with the best way to do it, after everyone else finished.  I had the girls lay out leaves on their pre-cut piece of contact paper, then slide them off, onto the table. Then they removed the backing from the contact paper and applied the leaves.  Next, they wrapped the jugs and smoothed the contact paper.  The easier way?  Start to remove the backing from the contact paper and stick the first part on the jug. Then put a leaf on the jug and continue to remove the backing, using the contact paper as tape to hold the leaves as you apply them one by one.  

We finished the meeting by singing Make New Friends as a round, which tied back to the Junior badge.  

We did this badge two years ago as Daisies and Brownies and the photos were the only repeat activity.  You can read about that day here. 

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