
Friday, October 23, 2020

Democracy for Daisies: New Badge Review

 Just in time for one of the most contentious election seasons in my memory, GSUSA has come out with a series of Democracy badges, once for each level.  Here are the requirements for Daises, from Badge Explorer:

Meet the people who work together in your government!

1. Find out about local government

2. Find out about state government

3. Find out about national government 

When you've earned this badge, you will have learned about the people who work together in your government.

Find Out About Local Government

To learn about local government, Daisies are given a choice between a guest speaker involved in local government or touring the local government building.  The leader talking points stress telling the girls to ask questions about what they do not understand.  They also stress the meanings of the words "democracy" and "government". 

Find Out About State Government

To find out about State Government GSUSA recommends visiting the state capitol building or writing a letter to the governor.  The talking points teach that there are different branches of government, like branches on a tree, and that like the president is head of the country, the governor is head of the state.  The leader writes the girls ideas on display paper or a whiteboard or poster board and later compiles them into an email or letter to the governor.  She shares any response she gets with the girls.

Find Out About National Government

The leader briefly talks about the office of president, the constitutional qualifications, and where the president lives. The girls then paint, draw or sculpt the White House.  They learn what it looks like via a picture provided in VTK or by looking it up online. 

The other provided option is to read two short books about the president to the girls, keeping them politically balanced, and for the girls then to draw themselves as the president.  

VTK Resources

As with most badges, VTK provides resources for leaders.  Those specific to this badge are:
  1. Activity Choices:  This sheet is designed to help the girls pick which activities they want to do for the second meeting. Like most of the new VTK plans, the plan for meeting 1 of this badge includes time for the girls to pick the activity for meeting 2.  The activity choice descriptions are about the length of my description above. 
  2. Links to GS 100th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage program
  3. Link to GSUSA's Promote the Vote project
  4. Photo of the White House
  5. Video of a Girl Scout Cadette talking about the presidency and White House

My Comments

 Honestly, unless I had a multi-level troop with a lot of girls Juniors and up I wouldn't do this badge in any manner close to what is suggested above.  In fact, given the requirements, I probably wouldn't do it at all.  I just don't see it as all that engaging for kindergarten and first grade girls.  

One thing I noticed today that I've never noticed before is a link at the bottom of the VTK plan asking if I had used the plan and asking for feedback.  I did the survey, which did include a box for me to give my real opinion.  

Have you tried this badge with Daisies?  How did it go?  What did  you do? 

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