According to Badge Explorer, the requirements for the Painting badge are:Get inspired
Paint the real world
Paint a mood
Paint without brushes
Paint a mural
Get Inspired
I went to the library and grabbed a big stack of books showcasing artwork. I thumbed through them first to make sure that nude paintings were not a major part of what was shown. When I did my pre-meeting Facebook message to parents I told them that I had thumbed through the books I would be showing the girls, but that I had not checked every page. I told them the girls would be looking through the books for paintings they liked, and that if one found and made a big deal over a naked male, my response was going to be "yes, boys and men look different than girls and women. Is that your favorite painting in the book?"
I told the parents that if they had a problem with this activity, that the books would be picked up by 7:15, they should just be late. As it turned out, no one found, or at least mentioned finding such a picture. We showed off the pictures the girls found and each got to say why she liked the picture she found.
This is the same activity I used the last time I did this badge. The time before, I sent it home for homework. I sent out a link to a website with paintings, and asked the parents to email me with the name of the painting their daughter liked.
Paint Without Brushes
I passed out Q-tips and gave each girl white, blue and black paint and told them to paint whatever they wanted, using the Q-tips to make dots. I let each girl do two paintings, and thought they were really creative in what they decided to do.
In the past, I've done finger painting and stamping. This was easy and not too much mess.
Paint a Mural
As a leader, I see real value to group projects that make the girls plan and execute something together. It is a real-world skill that will pay off in school and in work. That being said, my problem with most group projects that end up making something is deciding who gets custody once we are done.
VTK and the badge inserts present painting the mural as a group project, so when deciding when to do this badge, I look for something to do with the mural. This year our murals (I had five groups of three girls) will be used to decorate cookie booths. I had each group sketch their mural on regular paper and then paint it on roll paper. They are the right size to tape to the front of a table. Our theme was things we like about Girl Scouts.
In the past I've used the murals for cookie booths and to decorate our booth for the church fair.
Next Meeting
At our next meeting we will paint the real world and paint a mood. I'll let you know what we do once we've done it. Thanks for reading.
Image by bodobe from Pixabay
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