Saturday, September 21, 2024

Your Turn to Talk: Reader Comments on Dues Increase

When I do surveys for this blog, I always add a "say what you want" question and generally present those comments in their entirety.  I have, less than 24 hours after posting the survey on the proposed dues increase, over 700 comments.  Due to the repetitive nature of the comments, I'm not publishing them all but I'm trying to publish the full scope of ideas.  If your comment does not get published I'm not trying to discount your opinion, it is just that reading "GSUSA needs to spend less money" 50 times is repetitive and boring.  Below are the comments from the first 200 posts (no not 200 comments). Right now I have 1700 responses, more than I've ever gotten on a survey, so there will be more of these posts. 


If you have not yet taken the survey, click here to take it; it will be live through September 25, 2024.  

  •  I think they need to do a better job managing their own finances. If my girls want to do any activities from council that cost us money which we can offset some of with cookies sales but not all of it. This increase is a lot of money to ask parents to lay out and girls definitely won't return based on that price.

  • I am not for influencers! We have media corps girls that could assist with marketing. Many are already creating flyers and working with social media and school television. Each ad or flyer could end with “created by Girl Scouts”. I feel that may have a better impact than someone getting paid to talk about GS. Use resources wisely and promote girl led. Also the mission statement could use a slight overhaul. 

  • I can’t pay extra to have most of the program year already revolve around fall fundraiser and cookies. 

  • They need to cut spending. Jumping from a $400k deficit to $4M in one year is ridiculous.

  • While I understand costs are increasing, the actual girls are not seeing this money. Adult volunteers are paying more, parents still have to cover trips. Our council pushes reenrollment with cookie money- we’d never be able to afford that with our troop of 45 girls.

  • The monthly experience boxes are only for new troops! This means multi-level troops aren’t eligible even though we have new Daisies starting. It is unfair to think we’re footing the bill, but unable to benefit from the experience box.

  • I think one of the appeals of GS to families is the low cost! They like the flexibility of not feeling like they’re out a lot of money if they choose not to continue or miss a meeting. We already lose so many to sports, I think raising dues could drive those who split their time away from GS.

  • I do not agree with this increase at all. We already have problems getting girls to join at $25 in my council. If dues increased we would definitely see a decrease in renewals and new memberships.

  • I am against this proposal and would absolutely give me pause.  I have to pay dues for myself as a volunteer + my two daughters.  So dues x3 - I already don’t think caregiver volunteers should have to pay AT ALL since they already sacrifice their time AND give countless hours of my free labor to run a troop of 10 + standing the freezing cold for cookies season + pay for uniforms, etc.  ENOUGH!

  • The cost of uniforms and insignia is ridiculous on top of membership dues. 

  • With how much the girls sell for fall product and cookies, plus the cost of badges the girls dues should not be raised. 

  • My biggest issue is that GSUSA continues to put LOTS of money into technology that never seems to work smoothly, whether it’s the website structure, membership/events software, or the VTK (which does nothing to facilitate growth of girls in leaning to become girl-led).  I’d totally ditch the VTK (totally!) in favor of handbooks/badge books available free digitally and at reasonable cost for print versions. And I’d truly consider abandoning Salesforce as the basis for our membership/events platform.  A lot of councils are only using the GSUSA-required website for the minimum possible and are using other digital platforms such as jotform for events registration and other servers/websites for parts of their website footprint, all linked via the smallest amount of GSUSA provided website as possible.  

  • I don't think the answer is an across the board increase. Asking troops with older girls to pay more so there are boxes for younger girls is not a good plan. It's hard enough for older girls to be girl scouts without being bullied about it and now they want the to pay more for it. We will just lose those older girls. It will give those juniors and cadettes a reason to drop out. I do like the box idea but we should have the option to buy them ourselves instead of "hey we're increasing membership but you might get a program box out of it".

  • If they are going to continue 1st year boxes, there is much to be their shipping and timeliness.  Many boxes showed up after our meeting and we had to find our own resources anyway.

  • I think a lot of families, myself included, will baulk at that jump to $85. Up to $45 might be palatable for a lot people but more than that will lose active troops.

  • My council has done away with most programming for girls.  Leaders need more help.  

  • If prices increase then the girls should be given a vest with all the required patches instead of having to pay for them. We are in a poor area.  Enough families struggle enough to keep food on the table. I don't want girls dropping out because of these supposedly increased fees.   If anything, let the council run the dues and keep them instead of sending them to GSUSA. At least we know what it will be spent on. 

  • By increasing the costs we limit the girls that can join. Girls are not interested in all this badge work that just feels like additional homework.  They want to learn skills, help the community and enjoy new experiences.

  • Girls join Girl Scouts an extra.  The price is right for most families. Active troops do many outings that cost additional money: the rise in cookie cost has led to a decrease in sales for my troop.  I will loose most of my troop if the fee rises above $40.

  • To keep the program open for all girls, a reasonable cost is VERY important.  It was a challenge for our family with 4 girls as members, plus the extra costs for some of their events and activities.

  • There’s no way we would continue on next year if fees are raised that high! We never use scripted materials, we adapt from random plans we find online…we would never use a “box” of materials for our troop. We have so many special needs kids in our group, that it just wouldn’t work.

  • The increase will greatly impact families with multiple girl scouts 

  • I think we need to talk about the current economic status. Asking more funds for activities after parents pay housing, electricity, water, sewer and child care would be out of touch with what is happening in American homes. 

  • Money is tight. You up the fees to 45-85 and like  Boy Scouts people will drop out or all of the money they make in sales will just go to uniforms and fees. Girls won't want to sell then. We already as parent for Troop money in the fall. Leave it as is.. we all have to deal with the budgets we have, council and scouts needs to do the same. Get rid of the boxes. Most of the people I know they just sit around. If leaders want them. Let them buy them. Books can be digital no need for paper. You are going to loose girls if you jack it up that high and possibly leaders as well.

  • Something needs to be done to make each troop equal. The experience between troops varies due to the time commitment and volunteer of the parents. This is the gap that should be addressed. Raising dues will not affect this.

  • Girl Scouts should be available to all girls, not just those who can afford it.

  • I think the fee is already high for what girls get from Girl Scouts.  The money could be better spent at the troop or council level to actually benefit the girls.  Troops and volunteers are nickel and dimed already, with $3.50 per patch, over $50 to put a uniform/vest together, plus volunteers literally having to pay to volunteer and pay to be trained to volunteer.  If girl fees are going up then volunteer roles need to be comped. We need more cost effective programs and activities closer to where our girls live.

  • We have got to start offering more badges and programs for the older girls (senior+). In our troop they sell the most cookies and do the most community services, but they rarely get new programs or badges. They are inspiring the younger girls but very frustrated when the younger girls get to work on brand new badges. They feel like GSUSA doesn’t want them or has forgotten them. 

  • This is my 10th year as a troop leader and I have three daughters in the program. If they raise the dues by double or more we will have a very difficult time financially keeping all three of our girls in. Also the one thing that all of my girls in my troop want to do is summer camp and our council no longer is offers that, therefore most of my girls will not pay anything extra at this point when they already aren't getting what they actually want from the council. If they increase dues with the promise that that means they would offer summer resident camp next year you might see some of our girls go for that.

  • Some may not return. It's a cost effective activity and is flexible which works for families. I'm not sure I would pay 85 every year for myself and scout. We love Girl scouts but the amount they keep for fundraising cookies and cost of badges etc. It adds up very fast. Volunteers and leaders contribute alot out of pocket and it would make it harder for families to pay dues which is what pays for the 3.50 each per badge.

  • There are too many things they need to work on. If they want to increase membership and retain scouts they need to make their programming materials more accessible. Either giving scouts access to VTK, or having some kind of handbook like they use to have with everything in it so they can work on badges at home if they want and/or plan things for a meeting. Books like those of the late 90's with multiple ways to earn a badge. It's really hard for girls to lead if their ability to review ALL material is compromised or contains too many barriers to get that info. 

  • An $85 registration fee that in no way provides troop funds for uniforms, meetings and activities will decimate Girl Scouts- it is an astronomical increase and existing troops will likely disband. Parents will not pay an $85 registration free and then if a troop needs it troop dues, which every troop needs to get off the ground. The uniforms are already incredibly overpriced as are the badges.

  • I’d rather have troops get seed money to start or have access to free supplies if fees re going up. None of the marketing things help troop leaders in the trenches getting started. 

  • I think a dues increase is going to create a problem with girls in lower economic areas.

  • My troop would disband if cost went up

  • I’d rather keep money in my troop, SU, and council. I don’t see the benefit of what GSUSA does?

  • I'd be interested in seeing their overhead costs, compensation and allocation of assets in comparison to comparative clubs/agencies. I don't think making the girls responsible for the added expenses is the solution. 

  • The entire organization needs a overall.  It is sad these CEOs etc. do not see our camps.  Our council lost 2 camps this year due to the cost to maintain they say.  We now have 1 major camp that is filled for majority of the summer.  GSU needs to run events biweekly not weekly during the summer.   I sent an email to our council of things that need to be professionally done at our camp and it has still yet to be done. Sad.  It's the girls who suffer.

  • cookie web site needs to be updated keeping the end user in mind. They need to include anyone that has to use it in the creation of it. 

  • Unfortunately what we pay for council dues are not seen at the troop level so it would be more of an inconvenience for families rather than an improvement to the program.

  • Consider also that increasing council dues will make it more difficult for troops to collect dues needed for girl driven planning.

  • If they really need to raise the membership fee to $65+, it needs to be done in incremental stages and not a big jump from $25 to $65+ because that is a LOT to ask parents to come up with all of a sudden, especially in Title 1 areas. Also, if they increase to $85 to produce the handbook and consolidated badge book, then that book (or books) should be provided to the girls and NOT be an additional $25 expense because that would be bananas. 

  • Please do not waste the money! Keep Girl Scouts a low cost program! 

  • We (our troop) never see one bit of the annual dues. We (families) spend a  lot outside of dues on so many Girl Scout things. Just selling cookies costs money for marketing materials, booth supplies, decor, etc. As a troop leader, I pay even more out of pocket by taking time off work for the troop activities, using free time to plan meetings and activities, and often using my own money to supplement supplies, snacks, etc. 

  • The increase would impact lower middle class families the most and this is most of the Girl Scouts in my area. They make too much money for financial assistance but not enough to be able to pay $85 to register and then another $50 for troop dues. Cookies are already unsellable at $6 a box, give us a break. 

  • No more handbooks. Badge books like I had as a kid and still have to this day. The pages have dates, notes and initials of my troop leaders. Sometime a little "great job" or very creative" in it. GSUSA is missing a huge piece. Badge books give the girl an opportunity to read it without electronics, make notes, girls accomplish more than they realize everyday. Take out ALL the fluff (graphics and such). 

  • I think that the program and movement has always been in the hands of leaders, volunteers, and caregivers of the Girls but we're seeing a lot of adults that don't want to participate and build the program and movement at this point. I think those adults are unsure as to how to do it, unsure what Girl Scouts is, and overstretched in their lives as well. I think that as we've embraced "Girl Led", we've gotten away from Juilette Gordon Low's visions for the movement and in some aspects it's become about "collecting badges" instead of earning them (please looking into Juliette Gordon Low's quotes on badges. They're amazing!) I understand national membership fees may need to be raised; the world is getting more expensive.  I don't know if the changes and improvements their predicting we can make are the right place at the right time. I also agree that Girls should be able to join Girl Scouts without any financial barriers...and some of these proposals are absolutely going to create financial barriers! There needs to found a happy medium. Do I know what it is? No, not yet. I do think GSUSA needs to "ask the Girls" to the VOLUNTEERS. Really REALLY talk to us. Really talk. 

  • Money not being spent in useful ways. The new leader boxes wouldn't be needed if decent training provided. IT eats up way too much of GSUSA budget for less than great interface/system. Higher dues will just drive folks out of the program. CSA program not great, should just have one set of badges for these as pre2011 and silver and gold shouldn't expect kids to solve societal problems (TAP model), but to learn/demonstrate leadership in project design and execution. 

  • Not all councils are equitable - if a council needs more they can raise it. GSUSA has nothing new to offer me- I won't pay $85.

  • I do not see any direct benefit from my membership fees. Asking me to pay even more to volunteer is a slap in the face. I already work incredibly hard. 

  • I love my troop, and our scouts and parents love what we do. But no one ever sees or understands what the current council fees support. They want to see money stay with their troops and their communities. It's already a hardship and girls in high cost areas don't qualify for the hardship aid. They will most likely just drop out. 

  • I spend a ton of time and money as a troop leader and it seems crazy that the girls would be paying more when we just lost a camp and our council building.

  • Very worried we will lose girls. 

  • While we understand wanting to raise prices, it’s already difficult to get people to sign up because of money issues. I would love to be able to buy boxes and have enough for each child. 
    Another idea: multi level badges in a box. (Art design etc)

  • As a lifetime member who doesn’t have a daughter, I fall outside the norm and often have to pretend I am answering as the mom of a Girl Scout. We need to dump the TAPs on Journeys. They make sense for the higher awards. Journeys need to go. Bring back life skills and outdoor activities. They get STEM at school. Girls want something different with their GS friends. 

  • I think the people coming up with it are the paid leadership, who do make dramatically more than your average troop parent. Going to $45+ will either end my troop or every single family will be on financial assistance. $85 will end our troop. We are the only troop in our county. And we are a poor, rural county. There's already so much we are left out of in Girl Scouts, as it is primarily geared toward relatively wealthy suburban kids. We got priced out of Girl Scout camp 2 years ago. My kids hasn't missed a year until Covid before that. Now it looks like we will be priced out of Girl Scouts.

  • The problem is that the dues don’t get used on the troop level and we still have to fund everything ourselves. Also paying to volunteer is crazy to me.

  • This money would not help the troops or the leaders that freely volunteer their time and resources. I would not be able to afford the added cost of membership plus all the money I spend on gas items. I wish they would help the volunteers that freely give their time energy to keep gsusa going. If they want to make boxes to sell for new troops fine but that shouldn’t be forced or added to everyone’s cost. 

  • If they didn't always try to change things they could probably save some money. How long did Studio 2B last? Girls that want to be in scouts just want to learn and grow and "make the world a better place." Some new badges can be introduced or dropped as the world changes.  I see a lot of girls that just want to do volunteer work, camp, and explore new things that they can't in school or at home on their own. They enjoy learning from their scout sisters and what they are interested in.

  • I don’t mind a small increase to keep current programming. Especially if it keeps cookie costs from continuing to rise.

  • Research should be at the beginning, not at the final $100 level. Isn’t that what we teach the girls when they do their high award projects?  Also, all the focus on marketing seems like a money grab and not something that will improve the experience for girls in the program. 

  • GSUSA is floundering.  There are too many uniforms which is a waste of money.  The older Scouts have been ignored and continue to be ignored as evidenced by the boxes for older Scouts coming last...again.

  • It is so hard to find parents to volunteer to be troop leaders.  Raising the price to $45 per year will make this even harder.

  • I firmly believe a lot of families will leave Girl Scouts and it will be significantly harder to recruit new girls and start new troops. 

  • GSUA leaves so much up to council same as troop it all depends on where you end up. Our council stinks so I don't see much improving 

  • An increase is probably overdue, but more than $50 I think you'd start to see membership decline. Then GSUSA would want to spend even more money on advertising to improve memberships, etc.

  • The cost breakdown in the last question should be wider brackets. A full vest with insignia alone costs $60+

  • Raising dues will only further exclude girls who NEED this programming. Councils need to reassess their spending and adjust.

  • Any increase puts a burden on larger families. If multiple girls are in Girl Scouts, families will not be able to afford more than 1-2 girls to be Girl Scouts. 

  • A lot of troops use a portion of their cookie money to cover registration each year for their girls. With the proposed increase many troops won’t be able to do that any more, especially with the small amount troops receive as profit from cookie sales. 

  • A dues increase is overdue, but don’t spend it on marketing or giving resources only to daisy/brownie leaders.

  • My girls are a low income troop. I do not have children so my husband and I contribute a lot financially. I am a lifetime Girl Scout and so is my mom. My parents are also large supporters of my troop financially so that we can avoid asking a lot from the girls parents. I did have two leave this week because their mom lost her job and it was considered an extra expense for them to be in Girl Scouts that wants in their time or budget now that she is job hunting and hopefully finds a new job! 

  • Volunteer dues should go away

  • Just going off the info in the graphic, I would support an increase to $45 and maybe up to $65 two year later, assuming the $45 goals are effective. BSA dues are much higher than current GS dues and I can understand that we need to keep up with other groups and current inflation costs. Once a Troop is established they should be covering the girls’ dues out of Fall Product/ Cookie fundraising proceeds. These increases really should not be passed on to the parents. 

  • GSUSA needs to worry about making a better and more nimble  program and not about more marketing. We need online training for camping and fire building for working moms who aren’t able to attend long  (and rarely offered) council trainings. They need to bring back troop’s own and council’s own (if they can do personalized fall product badges they can print those) to help the program be truly girl led. More opportunities for older girls that are catered to all kinds of tastes, and focus on explaining what the higher awards are to the public.

  • We will not remain Girl Scouts with significant dues increase or a DEI initiative. The only reason we stay (Cadette/Senior) is for council events.

  • Cost is often not the prohibitive factor for older girls joining. It’s just not cool

  • If they increase dues, they will just have more money to mismanage.  They will not decrease the high cost of their badges, uniforms, etc… it already feels like they nickel and dime us for every activity or badge, then we slave away for pennies on the dollar for cookies, this will feel even more like a cash grab for a top heavy organization that does a really poor job of engaging the girls in our area.  Why would I continue to pay an organization to do things that we can do on our own for cheaper with less strings attached?

  • I find this survey incredibly bias and clearly from someone who doesn’t understand the entire plan. I answered to the best of my ability but think that there are other things to consider. 

  • I am a leader of a multilevel troop. I don’t have much help from Our parents, I am not going to pay to volunteer for what to equates as a full-time second job. We pay for renewals out of our Cookie funds. If they make the proposed increase, they will be taking away the hard earned money from the girls. The whole DEI is so passé companies are backing away as fast as they can if we are living by the Girl Scout law we are already Living by diversity and inclusion. I heard on one of the Facebook groups that they would be hiring a social media influencer. The girls we are trying to recruit are not of age to be interacting with social media. create better sample plans and better systems for volunteers to lead our girls  Figure out the fall product and Cookie systems. And stop recruiting in areas where there are no adult leaders who want create a new troop. Go back to the basics of scouting don’t entirely eliminate stem but add back the basics. 

  • I wish there was more of a skills-focus with badges!  Where are the swimming, paddling, archery, knife skills badges?  They’re tucked in as a vague choice for a few badges, when they can and should be a skill on their own as a badge…with an easily recognizable graphic!

  • Girl Scouts needs look at other funding sources for things like financial aid instead of telling us they can only offer financial aid by hiking the cost of dues up to where MORE people will need financial aid. That makes no sense!
More comments to come in other posts.  Part II is here.   Part III is here.


  1. I think it's fine. It's cheaper by hundreds of dollars than any other non school extracurricular.

  2. For any organization that wants to expand, GSUSA sure likes putting up barriers. Four adult volunteers needed to begin a new troop is bad enough. Four adults and a bump in dues means even fewer girls will have the opportunity to become Scouts.

  3. As long as this organization is based in what is arguably one of the most elite & expensive areas in our country, we can continue to expect out-of-touch programs and fees. If they are going to market to wealthy families in metropolitan areas… good luck. The families in smaller cities and rural areas will start leaving in favor of other programs like BSA, 4H, Campfire, ect

    They could sell that property then buy land and develop a headquarters somewhere like… Savannah. With decent planning ..overall costs would be much less. This would also improve access for members. A whole program center could be done. Everything from employee salaries to electricity would be less. SMH … maintaining a “presence” on Fifth Avenue doesn’t make sense.

  4. Why though? They get all these corporate sponsorships - but I still have to pay $30 for my kid to attend a “sponsored badge” workshop. And on top of that, the troop still has to pay for the actual badge?!? Crazy!!
