Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Philanthropist, Money Counts, Respect Authority and Thinking on My Feet
For this meeting, my plan was to walk across the parking lot and visit the parish food bank. I had made arrangement with the lady who runs it for a short tour; however, she never showed up.
We were working on the Philanthropy Badge for Brownies, pretty much following the guide of Girl Scouts River Valleys. I made a chart for "Can I Be a Philanthropist" but none of the girls would respond until I told them what a philanthropist was. We talked about ways we were philanthropists, and some of the girls talked about school projects. We had done needs/wants posters at the prior meeting.
Since my food bank lady did not show, I talked about the food we had brought in, and how it would help people in the neighborhood. We also talked about how we could take our old clothes to Goodwill. Finally we talked about big disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. I pointed out that money was the best way to help those people. All in all it was more talk than I like at a meeting but I was kind of winging it.
My Daisies were finishing their Making Choices leaf and the discussion tied into that., learning how to help others with what they want and need. We took pictures with the food we brought for the food bank, and left it in the room for them to get in the morning.
From there, we moved on to the "Respect Authority" petal. We talked about what it means to be in authority and how we should treat those who are. We named some people who were in authority. Then I had the girls make cards for people who were in authority, while I readMortimer byRobert Munsch.
I ended the meeting with a short Court of Awards, passing out the badges we'd earned in the last few meetings. All in all, not the best meeting we ever had, but not awful either.
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