
Thursday, August 1, 2019

My Great Day Responsible for What I Say and Do and Using Resources Wisely

There are different ways to handle badgework with a multi-level troop.  With my Daisies and Brownies, I have pretty much focused on the Brownie Program but have related the activities to Petals where possible.  Since Daisies is a two year program, I have no problem with it taking two years to finish the petals.

At our last regular meeting we worked on two petals:  Responsible for What I Say and Do and Using Resources Wisely.  For the other petals we did this year, I picked a petal that worked with the Brownie badge; this time I picked the Brownie Badge because it worked with the Petals.

My Great Day is about getting organized which is a big part of being responsible for yourself--what you do.   Here are the requirements:

  • Start your day right 
  • Sort out your stuff
  • Make homework a breeze
  • Plan ahead
  • Help others get organized    
To plan my meeting I used a combination of activities from the Girls Guide, VTK and Girl Scouts River Valleys' plans.  

The GGGS , for "Start your day right" suggested having the girls lay out their school clothes at night for a week.  Since school was going to be done soon, I told them to do it once and send me a picture and suggested to the moms that this would be a good regular practice--part of being responsible for what we do.

For "sort out your stuff" decorating storage boxes was one of the suggestions.  We decorated Amazon boxes and talked about what we store in them.  We also talked about how easy it is to repurpose things--using resources wisely.  We also decorated cans to serve as pencil holders for "Make Homework a Breeze"--to organize our homework spots.  I don't think the last week of school was the best time to do this badge.

Next we headed outside for some fun  For "Plan Ahead" we talked about the appropriate clothing for various types of weather.  We then ran a relay race where I told the girls the weather they were facing and they ran to bags and put on the right clothes.  It was hilarious.  

For "Help Others get Organized" we discussed some organizational tips and girls were told to share with their family--yea, I know, kind of lame but I though the whole badge was kind of lame and only picked it to work in the two petals and a Brownie Badge.  

We also discussed being responsible for what we say--that even if we say we are sorry, the hurt can remain.  I asked the Brownies to tell the Daisies what I did with the picture the year before--I had a mom give me a picture while I was talking to the girls.  I was rude to her and crumpled it up, and even after I apologized the picture was not like new.  

As I said before, the enjoyed decorating the box and can and the game was a hit; the rest, well we finished it.  Not all meetings are going to be your Great Day.  

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