
Sunday, October 28, 2018

Think Like a Programmer

Like the other "Thnk Like A..." Journeys, the plans for Think Like a Programmer are on GSUSA's Volunteer Toolkit, which many leaders find overly wordy and difficult to follow.  Therefore, I reviewed the Daisy, Brownie, Junior and Multi-level plans and have prepared this summary.  The references to page numbers come from the plans posted by Girl Scouts Farthest North.

Purpose: Solve Big Problems Step By Step:

On this Journey, Girl Scouts will do hands-on activities to learn how computer programmers think through problems. They’ll learn to follow and create algorithms, break big problems down into smaller ones, and persist when faced with challenges. 


Persistence — trying again and again, even when something is very hard.

Computational Thinking — the thought processes involved in formulating a problem and expressing its solution(s) in such a way that a computer—human or machine—can effectively carry out.

Algorithm — a list of steps that allow you to complete a task

Program — instructions (or an algorithm) that can be understood and followed by a machine

Debugging — finding and fixing problems in your algorithm or program

Prototype is a rough model of your idea or innovation that you can show to other people. (Brownies)

Juniors only;

Function — a piece of code that you can easily call over and over again

Variable — a placeholder for a piece of information that can change

Decompose — to break a hard problem up into smaller, easier ones

Pattern — a theme that is repeated many times

Abstraction — removing details from a solution so that it can work for many problems

Brownies and Jr.s

Innovation - a new or improved idea, device, product, etc.

Inventors - people who make up new things and products

Steps to the Journey:

Learn about codes

Daisies: Create handshake to greet other Daisies. This is our special language or code.

Brownies: Use Morse Code (copy provided) to write your name and then draw some things that tell me more about you.

Juniors: Create simple substitution code and write a message in it.

Learn about persisting even if a task is hard

Daisies: Build a structure using Gumdrops and Toothpicks OR Marshmallows and Popsicle Sticks OR Popsicle Sticks and Tape. Instructions say it should be taller than a paper cup and able to support the weight of a book, but use your judgment based on your materials about what it possible (even if hard). We used toothpicks and marshmallows. I required the structure to be taller than a toothpick and to support the weight of a ruler. Talk about how not everything is easy but you have to stick with it--be persistent.

Learning about breaking a task down into pieces and then putting them in the right order

Daisies: Pair the girls. Have them give each other directions as to how to draw something using the sentence “Draw ____ with ____ at _____.

Daisies: Create an algorithm to navigate an stuffed animal through a maze. See page 8 of meeting 2 guide.

Daisies: Decide which 6 of the nine steps given on page 26, meeting 3 are necessary to plant a seed. Put in order and then follow directions to plant a seed. Discuss how this is an algorithm and if you were a computer, it would be a program. We have to have the algorithm in the right order.

Brownies: Paper coding activities page 10-15 meeting 1 guide, with pages at end of guide

Brownies: Page 9-15, meeting 2 guide; talk about instructions as programming. Write the program, then make the suncatcher.

Brownies: Put tape trails on ground. Pair girls. One is blindfolded; the other directs her one step at a time along the trail; switch.

Brownies and Juniors: Talk about what we are good at and what we can teach others. Break a skill down into 3 steps we can teach others, teach your skill to others.

Daisies talk about our special skills that we can add to a TAP

Brownies and Juniors: Talk about innovation and change.

Ask how technology could improve your skill. Talk about rapid prototyping. Quickly draw a prototype of what your innovation looks like. Put them up and let everyone look at them.

Juniors: Tanagram algorithms page 11-12, meeting 1

Juniors: Snack Algorithms. Have a collection of ingredients the girls can use to make a personal snack. Each girl needs to write the algorithm to create her snack.

Juniors: Discuss abstraction and variables per meeting 2 guide page 12

Juniors: Do Mad Glib stories and then discuss abstraction and variables

Juniors: Suncatchers per meeting 2 guide page 13-17

Juniors: Make a collage of how technology has changed things we use everyday--Apple Watch vs wind-up wrist watch

Take Action Project. 

 Should be discussed in closing of every meeting. Start with brainstorming ideas, problems you want to solve; people you want to help. Talk about TAPs being like programming--something big that needs to be broken down into steps done in the right order. Talk about debugging the program--checking to make sure you are doing things correctly and if not, how you can fix it. 

Celebrate TAP and pass out awards.

The main thing to remember is that this is not a random list of activities but rather they are teaching a process, a way of thinking and applying that to a TAP. Each meeting has an opening circle where vocabulary is discussed and each meeting ends with a circle discussing the TAP and tying what they are learning about Programming into the TAP.


  1. How do I access the plan pages? I'd love to do this, but the link says I need a password one order to see the plans. Thanks!

  2. Hello! I went to the farthest north page and it requires passwords to download the guides. My regional site also doesn’t have the activity guides. Do you have a suggestion for how to get more details for the Daisy think like a programmer journey? I’d just love steps to doing the activities. Thanks!!!
