
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Working on the Snacks Badge

We had two items on the agenda this week:  we were tie-dyeing t-shirts to wear at our day at camp, and we were working on our snacks badge.  You can see the instructions for the t-shirts here.  I have a very crafty co-leader; I would never try a project like that.  Here is how one came out:

We started the meeting with the pledge and promise.  I had the girls count off by fours and sent one group outside with my co-leader to make t-shirst.  I drafted an extra mom so the other three groups all had adults with them.  I had tables set up with solid and liquid measuring cups, measuring spoons, pitchers of water, and bowls of sugar.  Each table also had a 13X9 cake pan, a knife and a cutting board.  I gave the leaders scripts to follow to talk about the difference between the measuring cups.  Each girl got to measure the amount of sugar she was asked for (1/2 cup, 1/4 cup or 1/3 cup) and we talked about how many of each it would take to make one cup.  We measured more sugar with the measuring spoons and then water in the liquid measuring cup.  Again, each girl got to pour and measure.

About the time we were fininshed measuring, the first group came inside.  We sent group 2 outside, and group one took their place at the table to learn about measuring.  The other groups started on their savory snacks.  We made Ants on a Log and Spiders.

Ants on a Log.

Slice celery into portions about as long as your finger. Fill the hollow with cream cheese, peanut butter or some other thick sticky substance.  Place raisins across the top.


2 Ritz Crackers
4 Pretzels
2 raisins
Cream Cheese, peanut butter or some other sticky substance.

Spread the cream cheese on both crackers.  Break the pretzels in half to make eight legs.  Put the legs on either side of one cracker.  Top with the other cracker.  Put a little cheese on the raisins and use it to stick them on the cracker like eyes.

We continued to rotate girls out until they all finished both snacks and shirts.

Since I have a girl with a peanut allergy I did not use peanut butter; I think the kids would have liked the snacks better if I had.  Still, most of them did eat their snacks.  

We have now had three meetings.  We have planned the year, and we have finished two of five requirments for the Snacks Badge. We have also finished two of the five requirements for Girl Scout Way.  Next meeting we are celebrating Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday.  We'll have a party that includes cookies we are going to make, and we will hopefully hear from some adults who were Girl Scouts when they were kids.  We may or may not finish Girl Scout Way next meeting.

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