
Sunday, November 28, 2021

Think Like an Engineer, Part 3

 My Brownies and Juniors recently finished their third design challenge for Think Like an Engineer.  I'm usually one to stick pretty close to the VTK plans, but in this case, none of the offered projects that we hadn't done really excited me.  I had planned to do the Daisy Roller Coaster badge when Covid shut us down in 2020, so I decided to go with that.

I divided the girls into groups of three and gave them each a pool noodle which I had cut in half the long way and taped into one long piece and a small plastic ball. We talked about how roller coasters worked, with the energy coming from the cars being dragged to the top of the hill, and that after release there is no added power.  

I had some chairs, boxes, and books a a available to add height and told the girls to design a track that would get the marble all the way to the end, and to try to make it interesting.  

This group worked for almost an hour.  

Saturday, November 27, 2021

New Badge Review: Junior Cookie Badges

 As cookie season will be upon us soon, I thought I'd take a look at the new cookie badges and compare them to the ones being discontinued.   


New Badge:  Cookie Collaborator

According to Badge Explorer  Juniors learn to collaborate with their troop, community, and network to grow their cookie business.

  • Get to know the Girl Scout Cookie business
  • Decide on your goals
  • Collaborate on a troop budget
  • Reach more customers
  • Learn from your customers

When Juniors earn this badge, they will know how to work with their Girl Scout team to set goals and make decisions to run their cookie business, and how to collaborate with their friends and family to connect with more customers.

Friday, November 5, 2021

New Badge Review: Brownie Digital Leadership

This year GSUSA introduced Digital Leadership badges at all levels.  This post will take a look at the Brownie Version.  I have reviewed the plans on VTK and summarized them below.  I have not reviewed he badge pamphlet and do not know what additional information or activities it may have.