
Sunday, September 19, 2021

Survey Results: Cadette Badges

 The numbers on this post came from a survey I conducted by posting a link on some Facebook pages for Girl Scout leaders.  For the record, I have had daughters in the older girl program, but I've never led Cadettes, Seniors or Amabassadors.  

Out of 235 responses, 4.3% said they hadn't been a Cadette in the current program, nor led them.  10.6% said their troop earned less than three Cadette badges per year.  32.3% said they earned 3-5 badges per year and 52.8% earned more than five per year.  

For each Cadette badge, I asked that it be rated as either 
  • Haven't done it and don't want to
  • Did it, loved it
  • Did it, meh
  • Did it, didn't like it
  • Haven't done it but want to
  • Didn't know it existed.

Friday, September 17, 2021

The Older Girl Program: Survey Results

 After publishing my posts regarding surveys I did about the Daisy and Brownie programs, some people asked "What about the older girls?" thinking that as often happens in Girl Scouts, the older girls were left out.  Well, it took a while but I finally did an older girl survey and here are the results.

Who Responded? 

Of the 240 responses I got, 13 were from current Girl Scouts.  207 were from current leaders of older girls. 60 were from adults who were Girl Scouts past Juniors.  114 were parents of current or former older Girl Scouts.  

About 68% of people picked one of my reasons why they or their girls are still in Girl Scouts.  The others 32% had a variety of answers.  The choices I gave were:

  • Its what they do with that group of friends (13.9%)
  • The outdoor activities (19%)
  • To work on the Gold for college/career prep (8.7%)
  • It's fun (32%)
  • Travel (3.9%)

Saturday, September 4, 2021

New Badge Review: Brownie Numbers in Nature

Not long ago I reviewed the new Shapes in Nature badges for Brownies and Juniors, and I was impressed.  The activities seemed fun and the badges touched on important concepts. Unfortunately I'm not as impressed with the rest of the series. Today I'm taking a look at the VTK plans for the Brownie Numbers in Nature badge.