
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Cancel Girl Scout Cookies?


It is that time of year again, time for Girl Scout Cookies.  It is also time for the yearly barrage of Facebook posts claiming that Girl Scouts supports Planned Parenthood (for the truth, read this post), that it exploints child labor, and now, some about how Girl Scout Cookies use palm oil (an ingredient found in the majority of store-bought cookies).  Maybe the cookie sale has outlived its usefulness and it is time to move on.  

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Making Friends, Social Butterfly and Holiday Party

 One thing I've noticed about my troop is that there is an "inside" group that has been together since kindergarten and an "outside" group that has joined the troop later.  Its not like anyone is mean, its just that they really aren't one group and I'd like to do something to work on that.  Unfortunately, facilitating interactions and friendships is probably my weak point as a leader.  

Since we usually have a holiday party, I thought we could tie it into the Making Friends and Social Butterfly badges.  Let's take a look at them.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

What Girl Scout Leaders Think of the Brownie Program?

Leader Survey re Brownies

 This is the second post in a series that involves surveying members of Girl Scout Facebook groups about their opinons of the current program. You can read about the Daisy program here.  

Who Replied?

With any survey, knowing who responded is important.  My gut feeling, based on replies to other surveys I've done and responses to posts on those Facebook groups was that people who responded tended to be more experienced than most leaders, and probably had a bigger committment to the program than most leaders.