I have both Daisies and Brownies and both groups went. Daisies worked on How Robots Move; Brownies did Programming Robots.
Monday, February 18, 2019
A Trip to the Apple Store
You don't have to spend much time on Girl Scout leader facebook pages before you hear about the awesome free field trips to the Apple Store. Tonight my troop visited our local Apple store to work on robotics badges.
Friday, February 1, 2019
Brownie Cybersecurity Badges
Volunteer Toolkit provides two complete lesson plans for each badge--in other words, if you do it their way, it will take you two meetings per badge. The plans give you word-for-word scripts to follow as well as any handouts or coloring sheets you will need. They are great for beginning leaders but many people find them difficult to skim through to pick out the activities so as to decide whether to use them or not.
This post is an attempt to summarize all the Brownie Cybersecurity badges in one easy to follow place.